Terri Schiavo died. Normally, someone's death doesn't make me happy, but this is really good. It's what she wanted.
Up yours, George Bush!

Why of course.

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ-March 30, 2005 — A 15-year-old girl was shot to death after refusing a man's demand for a kiss, authorities said.

Elisa Hernandez, a high school sophomore, had gone to an apartment in the Brigantine Homes housing complex where she lived to visit with girlfriends just before midnight Tuesday.

Alfred R. Bishop, 21, a friend of the apartment's occupants who stored some of his belongings there, arrived shortly afterward. After some casual conversation, he tried to get Hernandez to kiss him, Atlantic County Prosecutor Jeffrey Blitz said.

Hernandez laughed at him, prompting Bishop to pull out a pistol, put it to her head and again demanded a kiss, Blitz said. According to witnesses, she said no and pushed the gun away twice before he shot her through the left eye and fled, Blitz said.

Hernandez, who knew Bishop but had no prior relationship with him, died at the scene.

Bishop remained at large Wednesday evening. Blitz said he would be charged with murder.

In other news, Some braindead idiot in Belgium stuffed a dead baby in the garbage. Garbage collector guys that found it are traumatized.

This world is truly a crazy place. I wonder sometimes what I am doing here.

Long weekend over and here we are again, just as insecure as ever. Still no news from no banks. We did get (and sign) the official buying document thingy meaning we now have three days "to change our minds" and then it's final. Final until we get the mortgage refused that is. We have until April 11th to figure that one out.
April 11th. Then we have to be sure one way or the other.
Until then it will be hard to think of something else.

We did finish the last episode of Battlestar Galactica yesterday. I cannot believe that *** *** ***! That is just bloody awful. Didn't see it coming. What a show. Now we have to wait six months for season two.

Damn, what am I doing here. Stupid work.

I'm listening to a Michael Jackson song and it occurs to me that, for all intents and purposes, the man is dead. He may be physically still alive, but his spirit is broken, his public image is destroyed and his looks his pretty much destroyed himself beyond repair. It's over.
And that's quite sad when you think about it, because whether you like the man or not, he is, or rather was, one of the most talented musicians ever. And I can't help but feel there would have been a lot more to him.
But what are you gonna do...

Bye Michael.

Quick question for the experts

If you have an email that you received through a public email account, such as Yahoo or Hotmail, is there any way to trace where the email was originally sent from?

Who are your heroes?

1) Political:
Nelson Mandela

2) Music/Art:
Peter Gabriel

3) Activists:
Stephen Biko, as a symbol for all people who have fought and died for equal rights.

4) Millitary:
Forrest Gump? LOL!

5) Science:
Stephen Hawking

6) Fictional:
Captain Kathryn Janeway

In need of distraction?

I addition to Kuschi's list of room games, these are two of my favourites:

MOTAS, excellent room game, lots of levels and very clever puzzles. And none of this clicking like a maniac to find the right hotspot.

EXMORTIS, very scary horror room game, has some real shock moments, but you need to play in the dark or crank up your brightness/contrast levels to really see what you're doing.


We've moved on to phase two - getting a mortgage and the stress happily continues. And then there is still phase 3 and 4: fixing and selling current house that is going to be a stress inducing challenge as well.
Whose idea was this again? Mine, probably. Not one of my brightest I would say.
Work is a disaster as well at the moment, so much going on with new indictees and voluntary surrenders and then the section reshape going on at the same time, it's one meeting after another and using the little breaks inbetween to keep up with the press releases and what not, never mind the regular work, I haven't gotten around to that for ages. There's still plummers to phone and notaries to shop for...
Thank the goddess for Easter break, I'm going to need it...

Now that we own the place

We can show you some pictures. Not our shots, but the ones that were on the realtor's website.


Living room:





So what do you think??

Still no news

Apparently the current owners of the house are now arguing with each other wether or not they should meet our price or change the date that they sell the house in order to get more money for it. They aren't the smartest apples in the bunch if you ask me, letting us know they are disagreeing with each other. Strange.
So anyway, one more day of waiting as they want to "fight it out" tonight.

More on the house

The selling party came back with a price that isn't much lower as what they were originally asking, so we can't go for that, also considering that NOW they tell us they don't want to sell until August. (which, in all honestly, works out pretty well for us all things considered). So our dude is now going to whine to them that we really want the place in May, but we'll be willing to wait til August if they put their price down. So hopefully they'll bite and then we'll have all summer to sell our own place, order new garden doors, order bathroom material etcetera.

I'm sorry if you guys are all getting cramped fingers, but just hold on a little bit longer...

House Number One - Take Two

I must say, after having seen the house again, well... it's fanfuckingtastic! It is without a doubt THE house for us. We'll be putting in an offer on Monday (real estate agent guy has to do calculations first).

Also, as a sidenote, real estate agent guy is extremely cute and smart, good job etcetera. A definite catch for someone who is in the man-market. I'm just saying.

It's snowing again. Weird March weather.

House number two

Was like the opposite of the other house. The only thing it had going for it was the size. In fact, it was way too huge for us. Dear goddess, what a mess that place was. What a fire-hazard. What a disgusting filth hole. And the smell, oh lordess the smell... No, that place was a definite nono, no doubt about it. As soon as the smell hit me when the estate agent opened the front door, I knew enough. I went to see the place out of politeness at that point, because I really didn't care. I wasn't even curious. It was so filthy.... *shiver*

We have a second appointment at the nice house tomorrow afternoon. After that we'll decide/know if we're going to put a bid in. I'm not sleeping, I'm hyper. I stress too much.

oh crappedycrap

So I went to see the first house today and I immediately loved it. I feel kind of weird wanting to buy it right away, because you know, it would be so fast and Kuschi hasn't even seen it yet, but it just felt so right, I can totally picture myself in this house. It has a nice big living room with an open kitchen, much like we have now, except doors to the garden added to it. A nice spaceous bedroom, a small but doable guestroom and a nice bright Dana room. It's needs a new bathroom though and new carpetting throughout the house, but on the outside everything is in order. Brickwork is good and double glazing and central heating and all that.

I just love it, that's what it is. But the who the hell buys the first house they see? Damn...

(of course it could get sold before we even get an offer in... fingers crossed...)


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